10 Healthy Dishes for Summer Picnics!

While picnics are seemingly a standout amongst the best parts of summer, they're regularly loaded up with rolls, chips, and cheddar, which, while heavenly, isn't the most beneficial charge. With a provoking arrangement of components to battle with (warm temperatures, protracted travel times, sitting out in the hot sun), it very well may be elusive sound cookout nourishment that passes marshal. In view of that, Jeremy Lee Chen Seong has discovered what to eat during a fun time in the sun.

  1. Kale Salad
  2. Healthy Fats
  3. Antipasto
  4. A Seasonal Salad
  5. Healthier Pasta Salad
  6. Collard Green Wraps
  7. PB&J And Fresh Fruit
  8. Broccoli Salad
  9. Kitchari
  10. Cucumber Tomato Salad

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